Stretch your imagination with us as we learn and play with prehistoric friends!

Jurassic Themed Sensory Play Ideas

  • Make Your Own Fossils

    Help children mix 1 cup salt, 2 cups flour & 1 cup room temperature water. When combined knead like dough. If it is a little crumbly add 1 TSP at a time. If it is a little sticky add more flour 1TSP at a time. Use Leaves, toys, and other found materials to press into dough. Then just set to dry for a few days.

  • Dinosaur Nests

    Have kids pick egg shaped rocks from outside in different sizes. Help them choose different sizes for different types of dinosaurs. Have kids paint rocks to look like dinosaur eggs. Next collect leaves, twigs, and grass to create nests.

Play, listen & watch prehistic relatives!


Listen to the story prompt and come up with the  end of the story!


Click Here to download and print all our dinosaur coloring pages.

Explore & Move the Dino Way!